
It is my daughter’s birthday today, a fitting opportunity to look back over time and see how we both have changed.

Happily I see only good things when I pore over her old photos ~ from babyhood to now she has always been a gentle beauty with a strong mind.  She has an independent and adventurous personality, a big heart, a deep love of all animals (well maybe not sheep at the moment but that’s a long story), and the courage to follow her dreams and make them come true.

She’s living her dream in California now, an American citizen after 20 years working and living in Vermont.  But she is happy and visits us in England 2 or 3 times a year so I am very blessed.

I love her dearly and wish her a Very Happy Birthday.

I then got to looking over my old photos as this week’s theme is Time.  My life has not been as adventurous as Lisa’s but I have lived it to the full so far.  I loved my career and adore my family.  I have travelled a great deal ~ in Africa, Russia,  Switzerland, America, Canada, Spain, France, Norway, Austria, Finland, Karelia, Poland and Germany, so I have some wonderful experiences in my memory bank.  On the whole, life has been good to me and I hope it continues for long enough to see my children enjoy their lives and watch my wonderful grandchildren grow up.

24 thoughts on “Time

  1. Loved reading this, and looking at the photos. I also felt some kind of affinity here. You see, my dear daughter also is far away for the time being (in Taiwan of all places, since almost two years). Miss her a lot and luckily she will be coming back to Europe in May. You have given me an idea of doing a similar ‘time and change’-themed post about us, too. Thank you for sharing!


  2. What lovely photos. There’s definitely a strong mother-daughter resemblance! Both of you with that gorgeous big smile! And how great that your daughter gets over to see you so frequently. Lucky you! I know I treasure the times my daughter can get back to Canada from the UK. Here’s to mothers with long-distance daughters!


    • Ah maybe they should swap jobs then they could be nearer to home!
      I am so proud of my children for being brave and adventurous and independently carving out good lives for themselves abroad. I know I couldn’t do it!

      Sent by Brenda Kimmins



  3. I love looking back at old photos especially of my parents and grandparents as it lets me see them in a different light, how they were before us children came along and tells me their story. Also to laugh at the changing styles! My photos are definitely what I would save if my house was on fire.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you for sharing your wonderful photos. Sometimes, reading blogs, you read a voice frozen in a moment in time, without the benefit of perspective or longevity. Just by posting a few photos, you gave us a snippet of the journey of two generations.


    • Lovely comment x yes it surprised me when I looked back through my photos – they seem to tell their own story!
      I am constantly surprised by the fact that I am in my 7th decade- it seems ridiculous that I must be getting ‘old’.
      I still feel pretty much like a 20something in my head, although the bones do like to remind me that I’m not!!
      I find the thumbnail photos on people’s blogs bring them to life for me. I feel a personal connection to those I follow although we will never meet. So I’m thinking of you and wish you well during your treatment x x x

      Sent by Brenda Kimmins


      Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Time (Frozen) | Chris Breebaart Photography / What's (in) the picture?

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