Breeze haiku

Nightingale at Cotswold Water Park

Nightingale at Cotswold Water Park

As gentle breeze blows

Nightingales in bushes sing

Sublime serenade

Nightingales in bushes sing

Nightingales in bushes sing

 Gazing on Taize

Sunflowers bow to the breeze

And my spirit soars

Sunflowers bow to the breeze

Sunflowers bow to the breeze

 Boughs bend to the breeze

Covering the earth in a

Blanket of blossom

Ornamental cherry

Ornamental cherry

 Watching butterflies

Their beauty borne on the breeze

I can barely breathe


22 thoughts on “Breeze haiku

  1. “sublime serenade” o it’s so true. I love this line. I wrote a few but decided on one though it was a hard choice. Lovely emotions HH as Haiku should be 🙂


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